Thursday 27 September 2012

First day of School

The first day of School arrived, both Nick and Dana were excited to see there friends.  Nick was nervous he was going to a new school.
Nicks new shoes.

Dana and Nick walk with two other kids to school and back.  I have this pic after school and have another one of them in the morning but must not have uploaded it yet.  The gang is: Jerica, Jeremy, Dana and Nick.  If you look close you can see Nicks blue hat between the two tall girls.

I am so proud of Dana she has gotten to school on time everyday.  She heard that if you were late you got detention and had to stay after school for an hour, she does NOT want to stay after school so she leaves the house when I do.  She got asked to help with the breakfast program so she gets to school and goes down and makes toast for kids.  She loves it.

In the summer I bought these cute little sliders for supper, they were yummy.

A few years ago Becky Higgins who is a scrapbooker came up with Project Life scrapbooking, it is so much faster and less fuss.  I read Becky's blog when ever I get the chance and thought it was a very cool idea.  Well I decided to take the plunge and give it a try, I still scrapbook the other way but I take so many pictures I will NEVER get them all in a book to enjoy.

It is so fast, slid your pictures in and journal on the little cards and you are done.  I love it I have gotten so many memories scrap booked this way.  Special pictures or events I am going to do the other way but this is so fast.  I am hoping Paul will agree to doing his Afghanistan pictures this way too.  So if I want to scrapbook downstairs and be with the family this is all I need.

I saw a picture of this yummy treat and want to make it.

One day when I was walking to work I could hear sirens and when I got to work there was the fire truck, the alarm had gone off at the MFRC so everyone was out of the building, they figured it was wires got hot or something but it was some excitement for the afternoon.

The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me this saying she uses "not my pig not my farm"  I love it and it is my new motto,  I no longer stress about the kids lunch kits or that there net books are not plugged in.  Not my pig, not my farm.  I will remind them to put there lunch kits on the counter and plug on there net books but it is not my problem if they don't do it, it is not going to hurt me or them.  I will make there lunch and just leave it on the counter and they have to put it in the lunch kits.  This morning Nick forgot his net book at home, not my pig, not my farm.  I asked him where it was when he got to my crosswalk and he said oh I forgot it, I reminded him to grab it before I left the house it is his responsibility to get it.

A week ago I would have walked home got his net book and walked back to his school to give it to him, but not now.

NOT MY PIG, NOT MY FARM.  Soo freeing.


Friday 21 September 2012

Camping part two

The first night we had a fire and then went on a wagon ride, which instead of being pulled by horses was a John Deere tractor. Yogi Bear was there of course.

Nick had practise and he was excited to see his Flames team mates. He was not impressed I was taking pictures though.
We went for a walk around the camp and saw Yogi and Boo.

If you look close you can see a squirrel on the table.

The last morning we were there was the last day the campground was open too so Nick and I got up to go see Yogi and Boo.

We had fun at Yogi Bear so much to do and see. I have a few more pictures of some cool houses I saw in Woodstock but have to leave for work.



Camping part one

This morning was crazy my alarm didn't go off and Nick knocks on the door and says "Mom is school cancelled?" I look at the clock 7:22 crap I have to leave the house at 7:30.  But we all made it.  Thank goodness Nick woke up who knows when I would have Dexter got a job and he starts work at 3:00 and is finished at 11:30pm so I have been trying to stay awake to pick him up, he needs to find a ride home I can't stay up that late.

We went camping and had a wonderful time.  We went to Yogi Bear campground by Woodstock because Nick had hockey practise there.
We got our campsite and got set up then walked around the campground there was so much to do for the kids.
We went and did the mini putt golf which was fun.

After golfing Nick and Dana went panning for gems and fossils.


After the pool we went to our camp and warmed up by the fire.

Well for some reason the blog wont let me add any more pictures so I will start another one.



Tuesday 11 September 2012

Summer is over and back to school

Summer was good but it went fast like always.
Nick got to go camping with Brody and his family and he caught some crabs on the beach.
On the way home Nick fell asleep with Boo on his lap.  He had fun this summer camping and playing with friends and of course his hockey camp.

Dana got to dye her hair blue, she has wanted blue hair since she was in pre-school she finally got blue hair. First we cut her some bangs then the whole process began.

While her hair was bleaching we cut into our papaya, it was really good.

Dana is one happy girl, it turned out awesome.

Nick went to a hockey camp here are a few pictures, he had an awesome time.

Nick got to be the goalie for the older group, I was nervous they are so big and can shut so much harder but he had an awesome time and even robbed a couple of them it was awesome.

Here are some fun photos I will post about our camping trip tomorrow I have to head to work in a few minutes.  Dexter at work.

Dexter had caught a bee downstairs and put it in this container to show Dana and the dogs were having fun with it, we then put it outside to fly away.
One day while I was watching Nick at his hockey camp I put some laundry in and then had Dexter hang them up.  This is how he hung them up, he was mad at me because I put too many clothes in the washer.  They all dried that is all that matters.

Nick almost made it through the summer without any accidents he had gone off a jump and then hit a rock.
Well that is it for today, I will post our camping trip tomorrow.