Tuesday 24 July 2012

Summer hockey is over

The last game came for summer hockey and Nick was NOT going in net, he asked his team who wanted to go in net and Travis said he would trade him.  So Friday they tried on each others gear and skates to see what would fit and Nick gave Travis a few lessons in goal tending.

The boys were so excited to switch and I am surprised that either one of them slept that night.  The game was 6:00 Saturday night.  The game was was fun to watch.  We knew we were going to loose but it was super fun watching Nick skate around the rink again. Nick is number 6 for the blue team. He skated so fast it was hard to get a good picture of him.

After the game he was so excited he almost scored a couple of times and told me he was trying to get a penalty.  I asked him why? He said because he hasn't been in the box for a while.  What a funny boy.

Friday I had Katherine over and Nick, Travis and Katherine played hockey, they each took turns being goalie and Katherine loved being in net, she even put on all the goalie gear.

After lunch Dana and I are transplanting her spider plant babies, there are so many of them.

Dana and I also went and saw the movie Brave. We loved the movie and I don't want to give anything away in case anyone else wants to see it, very good with a good message too.  It is one I am going to buy when it comes out.

Now that hockey is over for a couple of months I washed what I could of Nick's gear then had him air out his gear outside. And then that big bag went downstairs.  YIPPEE it is out of my dining room at least for a month or so.

Monday 16 July 2012

Pool Party fun

The last two weekends we have been lucky and got to attend two pool parties.  Which was so nice because it has been so HOT and HUMID.
The first one was last Saturday for Nick's Comp Eagles hockey team.  We went out to Harold and Denise's house in Burton.  They are posted back to cold lake so it was fun to hang out with them before they leave.  We will sure miss Nathan who has played hockey with Nick.

Just before we headed out there we had a thunderstorm and hail and rain for about 30 to 40 min. So because of that it was really humid.  We were there for a couple hours and Dex called and said he was done work and that the storm had ripped open a window that was open a bit and broke it and sent the screen half way across the big room where the cadets eat.  Paul, Dana and I were boiling so we left Nick there and we headed home to sit in front of the fans.  Dex had also forgotten his house key and it was way too humid out for him to sit outside.  Nick had fun seeing his old team mates.

Dexter had a couple days off but last Thursday we got a phone call at 6:30am seeing if he could come in to work. He ended up staying all day. 

I was able to make a few cards too.

When ever I am in my room scrap booking Sasha and Gabby come in too, they always lay under my desk.

Saturday we had another pool party with Nick's AAA Fredericton Flames team.  We didn't tell Nick where we were going but he guessed it.  Paul and I felt it was important to go to help boost up Nick, and to get some advice on what to do about Nick not wanting to be a goalie anymore.  His Coach Steve said that Nick is at a much higher level to be playing summer hockey it would be better to put him into a goalie camp instead.  They went through the same thing with there son who is a goalie, he and Nick both came from winning AAA team then down playing with kids who are not competitive.  It has been very very frustrating for Nick as well for Paul and I.

So the party was a blast, the kids played road hockey, pool, games and ate food.  Dana had lots of fun too and played with a couple girls.

Dana had fun in the pool, it took her a bit before she went in but when she did she had a blast.

We had a couple of BB Q's and Steve cooked up some steaks and pork and then sliced it up man was it ever good.

Steve and Paul took care of the BB Q's, they are both wearing white shirts and red hats. The Mom's got the rest of the food ready.  It was so much fun hanging out with them all again. 

Paul and Brody starting the fire. We roasted marshmallows and had smors then someone brought  stuff to throw in the fire to change colour which was cool, and we had some fireworks.  It was super fun day and evening.

Monday 9 July 2012


Summer the kids want summer to come so bad then when it gets here they are bored, lets just have school all year long.  A couple of Nick's friends have moved away and there are no girls around for Dana.  What a fun time.

And our weather has not been too good either.  This week it is suppose to be nice but we will see.  The last couple of weeks it has been rainy.  We have had a couple of thunderstorms too.

Nick is playing summer hockey again and is on the Oilers team.  Paul is the coach, some games they play good and other games.....well not so good.  We have two goalies on our team, the other goalie is just learning and Nick was getting discouraged because of the score so we decided that because each goalie plays for 25 minutes we would count Nick's period as his own game.  So if he gets a shut out he gets some money.  Last week his team played against the best team (the one with all the AAA players) and he played good but the score at the end of the game was bad and after the game he didn't want to play or be a goalie anymore.  So after a few days and talking to Logan's Mom (Logan played hockey with Nick last summer) we came up with the idea to get Nick playing again.  His time on the ice was his game.  So the last game he went out for the second period the score was 7 to 2. (we were losing)  The kids were amazing for the second period, Nick only let in 3 goals and the end score was 10 to 10, if we would have had another couple minutes we would have won.  It was such an awesome second period. Bonus Nick was ready to play again.

And then up went the hockey stick and no more pictures.

Logan stayed at our house, it was good to get the boys together. Here is Logan going off the pipe.

Here is Nick I took a video but it is sideways sorry. The video is the right way!

Dana got a craft kit to make fuzzy animals here is one she made.

Dexter got a job working at Camp Argo (super excited just wish it was all day everyday like a real job) He works Thursday to Sunday.  Thursday he works the late shift but Friday to Sunday he works at 6am.  So there goes my summer for sleeping in.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Happy Canada Day

Canada Day was so much fun, the weather was nice, not too hot and no humidity, bonus.  Dana, Paul and I went down to the parade. (I had looked in the paper and it said it started at 11:30 but after we had been there a bit we heard that it started at 1:00, we had books so we just stayed)

The parade was good, not like back home though.

After the parade we went home and had our BBQ and relaxed for a bit then we headed down to the fair grounds.

Dana saw a friend of hers from school so the two of them went around.  Kati and Dana had a very fun time.

Then we saw the fire works.

Dex said he took a video of it and it was only 11 min long or so.  Nick was camping with a friend for the weekend and he had a great time fishing and swimming.

Happy Canada Day!