Monday 23 January 2012


Last weekend Nick had a hockey tournament in St. John, the team got put in the wrong group so they were against stronger teams.  They played there best Nick and Brock were awesome in nets.  Nick made 48 saves one game and the other he made 57 saves.  They lost all there games but Nick did awesome.  Most of the parents wanted to pull out and leave, the kids wanted to stay and play.  Most of them were staying in hotels so that is what they were looking forward too.  Paul took the camera but did not take any pictures while he was there.

This weekend we had NO hockey and it was awesome.  Tonight Nick has a game.

On Saturday he went over to Brody's house and played hockey on his outdoor rink.  They have a great time and some of the other kids come over and hang out too.

After Nick had his toast he noticed that the nutella was about empty so he took the jar and cleaned it out.  Funny boy.

Paul was trying to get a picture of Dana she was running around the house.  After he took the picture she was upset he had took her picture.  She hates getting her picture taken.

I had club on Friday but have not taken pictures of what we made so I will take a picture of the cards and scrapbook pages then post them another day.

Here is where we find Dexter most days, all day.  Nick  went upstairs to get a picture of Dexter, mostly to drive him crazy.

I am off to do hot lunch and then back to work, then home for about an hour, watch Till debt do us part, then back to work, home, get ready for  Nick's hockey game, home  make supper, then Paul's hockey game.  What a fun filled day.

Friday 13 January 2012

Snow Day Today

Yesterday the weather channel kept saying we were under a storm watch.  I figured Dex and I wouldn't make it through the day before we were getting snowed on.  But lucky us we made it home before it started to snow.  It sure was chilly though.  The kids slept with there Jammie's on inside out.  I heard the Snow truck at 5:00am so I thought for sure there would be school but at 6:30am it was announced that school was cancelled.

Paul started the driveway before he left for work and I finished it.

Sasha and Gabby love the snow too, Gabby gets snowballs stuck to her fur, not too fun to get it all off of her either.  Dana and Nick have not been out yet, Nick is too busy playing hockey and Dana is sorting out her toys and reorganising them.

Nick has got another hockey tournament this weekend.  This time it is in St. John, he has a game tonight and two games tomorrow.  He is excited for more games to play.

Dana and I are going to make some cookies and maybe some muffins.  I wanted to get a picture of Dana with her PJ's inside out but she wouldn't let me.  She is a silly girl.

Monday 9 January 2012

Hockey tourny, first day back to school & work

This weekend Thursday to Saturday Nick had a hockey tournament, we had 50/50 draws and Hospitality room to look after.  Every time an Atom team was on the ice we could do a 50/50 draw.  Our team made the most money on our 50/50 draws and Dana even one of the draws.  She was super excited.  Our team had to bring juice boxes, water and veggie trays.  It was a very busy weekend.

Nick was in net Thursday and we won our game.  7 to 3.  The team played really good and Nick made some awesome saves.  I don't know how he does it, he loves being in net and saving the goals.

Friday we played at 8:15am and I don't think the kids were used to waking up that early, they didn't play so good and we lost.  Our other goalie did his best but the players just were not there helping him.

Saturday we played at 10:45, the kids played a bit better but not much.  Nick of course gave it his all but we still lost.  He saved 32/39 shots.  The end of the game the kids all lined and Nick got the player of the game award.  Nicks at the top of the picture standing by his coach in the black helmet.

We finally put our train together.  Nick had fun decorating it.  For some reason Dana was not in the mood.  But we all had fun eating it.

This morning the kids did great at getting ready, they were all ready when Dex and I had to leave for work.  We drove to the corner and Nick walked across the road with me, I walked to my new spot and Dana stayed in the van with Dex.  I have way more kids crossing at my new spot.  Dex said it went OK, not too many kids.  So it should be interesting as the days go on.  We both have to do the lunch hour, then he has to get back to school.  Thank goodness he only has a couple of weeks left of school.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everybody,  It has been nice break from school, work and hockey.

Christmas Eve we went to our friends house for our traditional Christmas Eve get together of food and carolling.  The kids opened up PJ's and we had good food, laughter and went carolling.  A very fun time.

Christmas morning the kids slept in till 7:30am, we got up turned on the fireplace (TV channel has a roaring fireplace and Christmas music) and opened presents.  Dana had gotten Paul a present and could not wait for him to open it.

Dana remembered Paul used to have a hot pink wig and would wear it around the house sometimes so she thought he needed a new one, blue this time.
Here is what Nick got.
He got a mini sticks hockey set, Lego, hockey cards, shower gel, jeans and some treats.

Dana got some jeans, books, little pet shops, zoobles, shower gel and some treats.

Here is what Dex got. Angel series, books, magic cards and Halo Lego's.

Nick got me some earrings with his reward points from school. Cute little Santa's.

The kids played with there stuff and I made omelets.
As I was making breakfast Dex says to me that I missed a couple presents.  I kept thinking I was missing something but never figured it out until Dex said something.  So he went and wrapped it up.  (I am sure he remembered it because one of the things was his) He wrapped the little pet shop toy in tons of bags.  Dana was a good sport.

Paul and Nick built his city Lego's and I put together Nick's mini sticks hockey nets.

For Christmas dinner we decided to have Hawaiian haystacks, it had been a long time since we had eaten that.  It was so yummy.

New Years we just had goodies and watched a couple of movies and hung out.  One of the movies was Cars 2.  It was really good.  We all liked it.  This dip we found at Costco, so yummy.

Happy New Year! Here we are in 2012